Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day #16 Saturday ~ Update on Blog~

OK so I have to admit this 365 day blog idea is a little more challenging that I thought! I am having to write down my notes daily as I am just not finding the time to blog a thought for the day. I don't seem to have any problems coming up with what to write about just the time to put them down. Life just seems to keep me rolling and there only seems to be a few rare moments in which I can get on the computer without interruptions!
But... I will continue not to give up so easily YET!

Day #15~ Word of the Day~


It's important that we don't set the pace so fast that we can't keep us with the spinning wheel because...
At some point we are going to CRASH!
Today I am readjusting my pace...
I think the wheel might be spinning a little fast!
I have to ask who do I think I am racing?
I can't remember anyone saying their was a prize for...
Burn out
Who likes to feel like that anyways!
I am working on setting a successful

Day #14 Thursday "Let's Keep It Real"

I have to admit sometimes I get tired of listening to people pretend that they have it all together and are so quick to judge those who don't. Seriously people "let's keep it real" here. We are suppose to struggle in life it's what I like to think of our "Beauty" marks on this windy road we call life. Our struggles make us appreciative, keep us humble, allow us to connect with others... Our struggles are what bring us to our knees allow God to become part of our lives if we so desire as we have faith, hope and believe their is a bigger, greater and more beautiful plan. We are suppose to struggle...
My concern however is how we react to those we see struggling;

We turn away...
Ignore it...
Say nothing...
pretend it isn't happening...

So here it is friends... it's OK to struggle... it's God's Plan

so what do we do with our struggles???
Do we live in struggle or do we pray for God's help?
Do drown ourselves in our struggles or do we choose to look out and see what we have been blessed with?
Do we push away or ask for help?
Do we use our struggles for God's glory when we get through them?
Do we use our struggles to connect with other's to empathize and show compassion?
Do we even take the time care about others?

Friends... I struggle and I am thankful for my struggles as I believe that my struggles are what grow me into the person God desires me to be...
May I struggle forward and see the beautiful blessings that I have been provided with daily!
As woman may we be freed to think we have to have it all together and may we be more compassionate with one another, support, lift up and encourage those around us... "Let's Keep It Real" ladies!

Day #13 ~ Word of the Day~


Why is it that I think holding onto something is going to make me or anyone else feel better. Today I focus on forgiveness as I am forgiven everyday day for my sins...
And Yet...
I at times I struggle to truly forgive others!
So today I focus on letting things go...

Day #12 Tuesday~Word for the Day~

Something I am working on this week!
Dear Lord may you be more patient with
me in my journey
I am with others at this time.
Please continue to mold me and shape me
being a more patient person!
This is my prayer for the day!

Day #11 Monday~ Word of The Day~


At times it may be the hardest thing to do... love someone
and yet
It really is so simple!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 10~Sunday~TEAM

There is no I in the word TEAM was a common phrase that I heard growing up in the locker room and a phrase that I found myself using when I was coaching... and today I was brought back to that phrase but in a different arena... marriage.

This post is for my husband and man who I admire, appreciate, love, respect and am so thankful to have as my TEAM player in this journey of life. A marriage is full of lots of strengths and areas of improvement I like to call them but I truly believe that Brad and I make a great TEAM!

Brad thanks for always giving your best to this marriage, you are an inspiration to me in so many ways and I love that you love me so much! You are the best TEAM player... an example to all!